My Christmas Break

My Christmas was so boring. I just opened presents and watched TV. I only got to go to Regina for one day and I was supposed to go for three days. Regina was fun and all but I really wish I could have stayed longer. I also got to take my dog Gracie to Regina when we went. Then when we got back from Regina we had to go to my moms boyfriends parents. Talk about boring. But, I had an overall relax break witch was nice


My Three Stars

  1. My first star is my math. I think m doing really well in integers because when Mr. J shows us how to do it and then gives us an assessment I can always do well on it.
  2. My second star is ELA. I think I can show the work that is being asked to be done by talking on the I-pads. We are working on inclusion. So I am good at that and I can do all the work by myself with maybe a bit of help.
  3. My third star is band. I know all of the notes in my chromatic scale by heart. Which is something most kids in grade seven should be able to. Sometimes I need help putting them in order because when I look away from my book and play.

My Three Wishes

  1. My first wish is to improve my art. We are doing hour of coding but, I want to get faster at it and think more in how to do all the math of it in my head. https://code.org/learn
  2. My second wish is to improve my science. We are working on making food webs and food chains but, I still am having trouble on understanding which is what.
  3. My third wish is to improve my organization. Most of the time when we are getting ready to switch classes I have trouble finding what I need. Want to be able to just go to class and have the bo0ok right in front of me and ready to go.

Social Skills and Work Habits’ Prediction

  1. I think I should get an A for respect because I show my teachers and classmates respect they deserve.
  2. I think I should get an A for responsibility because I take my tasks and get them as need except for my blog because I can’t figure that out.
  3. I think I should get a B on solving solutions because all year I haven’t been able to figure out my blog and that is an important part of grade 7 because we put most of our work on our blogs.
  4. I think I should get an A in initiative because I usually can get things when I need them and I can access things I need to.
  5. I think I should get a B in participation because I don’t really like gym so I don’t always try my
  6. I think I should get an M on organisation because I always have everything organised and I never lose anything that is important and my locker is always spic and span.
  7. I think I should get a B on work sheets because I am alwayslate on handing in work because I get so distracted when I’m supposed to be getting work done.



Drug Safety

When Constable Stephanie came to our class yesterday she told us what your choice about drugs is. She told us what is bad about drugs. The first thing I learned was that alcohol and tobacco is an actual drug. But, it is a legal drug. Also it is very dangerous to your body. The second thing I learned was that cocaine and marijuana are the most common drugs in Estevan. There are some other kinds like Crystal meth in our community but it’s not that common in our community. The third thing I learned was that some drug dealers don’t even do drugs. They do this because it helps them keep a low profile.

Constable Stephanie was here to talk about drugs. One thing she said that is very important that I knew was that drugs are not cool. This is the most important thing she talked about. Because, if you think it is then it’s your choice to die from getting a disease. She talked about lots of things she dealt with when she was a paramedic. She said she dealt with a lot of accidents caused by drunk drivers. She said sometimes the drunk driver would come out of the vehicle with a few scrapes and bruises and then the person that was in the other vehicle would be near death because of the drunk driver.

I would like to still talk to Constable Stephanie because I do have questions for her. 1. I want to know how many people a week they can catch with drugs. 2. What do you think about the use of drugs in Estevan? 3. My last question is why do you think people use drugs to make them happy if they can just do it some other way like going for a walk to make them happy?


The Apollo

    The Apollo

The Apollo was a crew of astronauts. There project to discover stuff about the moon. What they wanted was to land two men on the lunar surface and return them safely to Earth. The launch took place at Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39A on July 16, 1969. The mission evaluation concluded that all mission tasks were completed satisfactorily. Mission Commander Neil Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin E. Aldrin Jr.


The eight phases of the moon

  1. In this phase it is known to be called the New Moon. It is where the side of the moon that is not facing the earth so it doesn’t light up the earth because it lights up the sun.
  2. This phase is called waxing crescent. It is were almost half of the moon is lit up so it is still pretty dark on earth.

                3. This phase is called First Quarter. This is when the moon is half lit up. So half the earth is lit and the other half not very well.


  1. This phase now is called waxing gibbous. It is when the moon is just over half the size of the moon.
  2. This phase is called the Full Moon. It is when the sun is lighting the entire moon.
  3. This phase is called the Waning Gibbous. It is when just over half of the opposite side the moon started on is lit.


  1. This stage is called the Last Quarter. It is when the moon is more than half lit still. But, it is on the opposite side of the First Quarter.


  1. This stage is called the waning crescent. It is when there is just a sliver of moon light. But, also on the opposite side of the first stage.

Lurens Journey

         Laurens Journey

                                                        Author: Lynnea Neff

“Hey Lauren want to play after school? We could ride our bikes to the tracks.” Said Mikayla a sixteen year old girl. “Um why not I will have to stop at home to get my bike though. I rode the bus today.” Lauren replied who was also sixteen.

                Lauren was an easy going sixteen year old girl. She had long blond hair and blue eyes. She lived with her uncle and auntie since her parents died in a car accident. She had two bird’s three dogs and seventeen cats. That’s because she lived just two minutes out of town. She also had lots of horses and cows.

                Mikayla was the kind of girl that didn’t care what anyone said about her. She had short brown hair and green eyes. She was kind of a bigger girl so lots of people made front of her. But, since she had such an amazing friend she never felt bad about it. She also lived two minutes out of town and had lots of animals. She had horses and cows and dogs and cats. Her inside pets were two hamsters, three turtles, and five fish.

                “Hey maybe we can ride Brownie and Coco to the tracks. Or maybe Twilight and Rokie instead.” Said Lauren after school on their way to Mikayla’s house. “No way if my dad found out that we took the horses to the tracks he would kill us.” Mikayla said. “Maybe we should take a couple snacks.” Said Lauren. “My mom said I have to be home by twelve tonight because we have school. So I will pack us a picnic and we can have supper.” Mentioned Mikayla.

                So as they rode their bikes out to the tracks they just talked about usual stuff like boys and school and there animals. Finally after an hour of riding their bikes they arrived. They left their bikes hidden in a shrub while they made their way through the woods. Finally after five minutes they made their way to the tracks. They noticed that there was a train on the tracks that wasn’t moving. So they both climbed it and had their picnic on it. They sat there and talked more. When Mikayla checked her phone it said it was 10:45. “I think we should get going Lauren. It’s already 10:45.” Said Mikayla after she checked her phone.

                Lauren went down first and landed feet first. Then it was Mikayla’s turn. She hesitated. She didn’t like jumping off anything. She didn’t even like going off the diving board at the pool in town. But, still she wouldn’t jump. So Lauren tried to convince her to jump and Lauren said she would catch her but still she wouldn’t jump.

                It was so pass curfew already. I was so worried that our parents were ganna get worried about us. If I could I would call our parents but there is no cell service. “O.M.G were in huge trouble. JUMP THERES A TRAIN COMING. COME ON JUST JUMP!!!!!!!!” yelled Lauren. “I CANT. I JUST CANT THERES NO WAY I CAN JUMP. IM JUST TOO SCARED.” Yelled Mikayla. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MIKAYLA.” Lauren burst into tears.

                Mikayla fell between the two carts and was stuck in under the tracks. I was so scared for her I couldn’t catch my breathe. “YOUR GANNA BE OK. JUST STAY STILL. Oh no I’m dead. I can’t believe I didn’t let her go first. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I HATE MYSELF IM SO SELFISH. IM SOOOOOOOOO SORRY.” Cried Laruen. “NOOOOOOOOOO IM GANNA JUST LAY ON MY STOMACHE UNTIL ITS GONE BY THEN WE WILL CLIMB UP THE HILL AND CALL MY DAD. THEN WE WILL NEVER COME BACK HERE BECAUSE IM SCARED THAT TODAY IS MY LAST. OK?” Screamed Mikayla while turning around. When she turned on her stomach her shirt got caught and then…. She was gone. Just like she knew was ganna happen.

                “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” Lauren screamed as she fell to her knees crying. How could something so painful happen to someone so amazing. “Ok Lauren I’m ganna climb up the hill and call my uncle. Then the ambulance. Then Mikayla’s parents. Then OMG I’m such a bad person. No don’t say that I’m a good person. It wasn’t my fault. Things like this are meant to happen. Maybe?” Lauren started to get herself together and talk to herself.

                Finally she got to the top of the enormous hill. It seemed to take forever to climb to the top. First she called her uncle to come pick her up. But, she dint mention the incident. When her uncle arrived the ambulance already arrived. Same with Mikayla’s dad. We told my uncle what happened and then the ambulance went to find out where the train would stop. Then my uncle went home to get auntie. When they got here, auntie was crying and was only wearing a house coat. I don’t think she was very worried about me. I think she was worried about if Mikayla was ganna make it. That’s all I was worried about for sure.

                When the ambulance arrived Lauren almost ran into the side of the door. She got inside and they started yelling at me and saying I wasn’t allowed in there. So she waited. Just sat there crying. It seemed that Lauren wasn’t worried anymore. It was like it was over. She knew when she was token by the train she was already… dead? No. she couldn’t say that because she wouldn’t know for a little while. “My life is over now. What was I ever thinking climbing a train? I should have known Mikayla can’t jump.” Lauren said to herself. “Miss. Lauren? Are the one who saw the incident?” asked one of the many nurses. That’s when Lauren actually thought about what happened. She remember the scream if Mikayla and the blood on the tracks. “Miss. Are you ok. Oh no. guys there’s a girl going into to shock.” Yelled the nurse.

                Lauren woke up in a white room. Not on her bed for sure. She turned her head. Her uncle and auntie were sleeping on the couch of someone. “Auntie. Auntie. AUNTIE. WAKE UP” Lauren said trying to wake her up. “OH. Hey sweetie. How are you? Do you need something?” Laurens auntie started to make sure that she was ok. Lauren started to cry. “Were. Where is… Mikayla? Oh I’m never ganna forgive myself. Di she make it auntie?” Lauren fumbled out of her mouth. Laurens auntie shook her head and went over to Laurens bed. “She died two hours during a surgery. I’m so sorry baby girl. It will be ok.” Laurens auntie said crying.

                “I guess this is it. It’s just me now. Me and my pets. Oh wow what I’m ganna do. Now I’m ganna just have to be a single one and live without being noticed.” Lauren said on her way home from the hospital. “Oh honey you will be fine you just have to try. Ok? When you need someone you can come to me.” Laurens auntie replied. “I guess.” Lauren said. They didn’t talk for the rest of the truck ride.

                When Lauren got home she went straight to her room. Then she got into her pajamas when it was only like 10 in the morning. Anyway she still put them on got in bed and went to sleep. She had a nightmare about the accident. When she woke up she was crying. “Wow it really isn’t a dream anymore.” Lauren said to herself. She got out of bed and went for a horse ride for the rest of the day with her white horse.

                A week later Lauren still refused to go to school because she thought that she would be the one that would now be made front of. So all she did all day was sleep in and rode her horse for the rest. Lauren got so lonely she wouldn’t leave her room when she was at home. Plus Lauren would never eat. She only drank water. “Hey Lauren you sure your ganna be ok. I will be gone all week. Oh and please start eating. I don’t want to come home to a kid that’s thinner than a piece of paper.” Said Laurens auntie a week after when she was going on vacation with her husband in Mexico. “Yes I will be fine auntie. I will make sure the animals are good every day and I will start to eat. I think this will be good for me to get time to myself. Just sit and relax.” Replied Lauren. “Ok we love you Lauren. Oh and text me if you decide to go to school on Monday.” Reminded Lauren’s auntie. “Yup sure.” Lauren replied.

                On Sunday Lauren was up at 6 in the morning feeding all the animals. Then she was making breakfast for when she heard a knock on the door. When she answered it was a handsome kid her age. “Howdy ma’am I was wondering do you know which way you go to get to town. I just moved and I’m trying to find the high school. But you need to know were town is to get there. Oh by the way I’m Rick.” Said the boy at the door. “Um…um…um…um oh I’m Lauren and its two minute if you keep going south. Or the north way is about 20 minutes. Because, you have to go north then east then south. I go to the high school in town to.” Replied Lauren with her cheeks blushed. “Ok then thank you so much Lauren. See you at school.” Replied Rick. “Oh I don’t go to school anymore. My friend…wait why I’m telling you that. That is none of your business. Um sorry I’m not even supposed to answer the door unless it is my family member. Good bye.” The Lauren shut the door on his face.

                After Lauren was done her breakfast she went out and groomed the horses. When she was on her way to the door she seen that that boy was standing there. “Hey again I couldn’t find the school. But, I did find the town.” Sid Rick. “Ok seriously Rick I don’t have all day to wait in the truck and watch you talk to some stinking country girl.” Yelled the girl in the truck. “Oh ya. So now I’m stinky. Girl you want to go. Because, last time I checked I could kick your butt.” Yelled back Lauren with anger. “Wow girls no need to fight… So Lauren me and my sister were ganna go to a party tonight. Do you want to come? Because it is totally up to you.” Asked Rick. “Um sure. Why don’t you come pick me up at six tonight.” Replied Lauren. “Great and I will drop my sister off before I comer to pick you up. Does that sound?” asked Rick again. “Ok sounds great. So I guess see you tonight.” Lauren started yelling back on her way to the house.

                “Yes I’m going to a party with a guy. I’m going to a party with a guy. Oh this something I would so want to tell Mikayla. Wait I can’t go I don’t have any clothes… wait maybe I can borrow something out of Mikayla’s closet is I asked her parents.” Lauren started to say to herself like always.so she took her white horse out of the stable and was off. She started to think a lot about it. How finally she would have a guy friend. The only friend she ever had was Mikayla. So now she was determent to not mess this up.

                Lauren knocked on the door. She could hear them talking to someone in their kitchen. “Hi Lauren this is unexpected to see you here. How can we help you my dear.” Said Mikayla’s mom when she answered the door. “Hi, I was wandering if I could borrow a dress of Mikayla’s. But if you’re not ready to get rid of anything of hers that’s ok.” Said Lauren nicely and as sweetly as she could. “Oh sure sweetie you can take whatever you want to take. Hey maybe tomorrow you could come by and I can pack all of Laurens clothes that you like and you could take them If you would like.” Suggested Mikayla’s mom. “Ok. That’s sounds fine with me. I guess I will just be on my way to her room.” Lauren said starting to feel awkward.

                When Lauren was going through Mikayla’s closet she found Mikayla’s locket. Lauren had given her that locket when they were only five years old. “Wow it has been forever since I’ve seen this. I think I am ganna have to wear this tonight. But, then Lauren opened it. She saw a picture of her and Mikayla sitting the swings at the park in town. She started to burst into tears. She stuck it in her pocket and forced a smile. “I’m so lucky to have friends like Mikayla.” Lauren whispered to herself. “Ok well I will see you tomorrow. I will drive the truck over though. I have a feeling I’m ganna want to take it all.” Lauren laughed on the way out.

                When Lauren was ready she heard a honk outside. It was Rick. So she hurried to the porch a put on her cowgirl boots. She was wearing a flowy white dress with a short front and a long back. With that she wore a jean jacket. She also put the locket on. “Howdy sugar. Wow you look super nice.” Rick said when he opened the door for Lauren to the truck. “Right back at cha. So where is the party?” asked Lauren. “Over on the other side of town. Is that fine or your mama got you on a tight rope to keep her baby close?” joked. “No mama ante alive. My auntie ante got me on a tight rope either because she is in Mexico with my uncle.” Lauren giggled. “Oh I’m sorry. So it is just you this week?” asked Rick feeling a little guilty. “Yup. Just me.” Lauren said. There was no more talking for the rest of the trip.

                When they got to the party everyone seemed to be looking at Lauren and Rick. They got out of the truck and started to walk over to the table. There was all kinds of stuff. Mostly beer. But there was water and lots of pop. “Can I get you something to drink sugar?” Asked Rick. “Just some root beer please. Then we should go see if we could find your sister. I kind of want to say sorry. I never act like that. It’s just my friend died a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes I think it was my fault because I should have caught her but she fell between the trains. I’m so selfish like that.” Lauren said started to say when she burst into tears. “Oh I’m so sorry. I don’t think you should feel that way. Nothing was your fault. Are sure you still want to do this party?” asked Rick feeling really bad about it. He felt like that everyone around her was gone or passed away. Witch was true. “No I don’t want to go home. I just want to sit by the fire with you.” Said Lauren being strong and sucking back all of her tears. “Ok. Just tell me if you need anything else.” Said Rick very kindly like.

                “Hey is that your sister right there with that guy?” asked Lauren. “Oh ya I guess it is.” Said rick. “Hey lets go home and go ride my horses?” asked Lauren In a sweet voice. “Sure why not. We will have to tell my sister to find a ride home then.” Said Rick getting out of his seat.

                They were home in a quick 30 minutes. Then Lauren ran in a got on a pair of jeans a t-shirt. “Ready bakarue man?” Lauren said laughing. “I sure am how bout you?” asked Rick. “Oh ya I’ve been doing this my whole life.” Said Lauren. “Now that is a very good skill to have. Ok let’s do this sugar.” Said Rick chuckili9ng to himself. “Okidoki buckarue.” Lauren said with her blue eyes at his. Then the hoped on the horses and went for a ride through the forest.

                When they got off the horses they realised they were at the train tracks were Mikayla had her accident. “Wow I haven’t been here for a long time. Because, I swore I would never come back here. But, I guess not. Let’s get going home I want to feed the pigs before I go to sleep.” Lauren said a little while after they were settled on the ground watching the stars. “Ok sounds fine. Do you want my coat you look cold?” asked Rick. “Yes please. I think that you’re the first boy I have ever talked to and actually got to know them Rick and you’re a great guy.” Said Lauren. “Well thank you and you are the first girl I’ve ever liked in my life.” Ri9ck said back. “I think I like you too.” Lauren said kind of shyly. “Good” said Rick. “Good.” Agreed Lauren. Then they went home and rick crashed on Laurens couch.

                When Lauren woke up she could something cooking. And it smelled good. So she got up and went into the kitchen. She saw Rick making a breakfast. “I hope you don’t mind I picked a few berries from your garden and used your food to make us some breakfast.” Said Rick. “Oh no its fine. I would probably just of had been fine with a bowl of cereal. But, wow tour such a sweet guy Rick.” Said Lauren. “Oh so would I but I guess since you’re the first girl I’ve ever liked I decided to make a big breakfast.” Said Rick. “Oh wow no its amazing Rick. I still would like you if you made me some porridge. “Said Lauren with a tear running down her face. She never had someone do something so nice to her like that before. He had eggs and bacon and toast sitting on the table. He was making homemade yogurt with the fruit from the garden and the milk cream from the cows.

                After they ate they heard a honk at in the driveway. “I will never fall for a jerk like you again. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” Yelled a familiar voice. They both walked outside to see Rick’s sister. “Are you ok sis? Did another guy go after you for your money? Oh my baby.” Joked Rick. “Yes. I don’t understand why guys are attracted to so much money? I’m s sick of it I’m never falling for it again and I will never mention my dad owns the   King ranch in Texas again until he has to meet my parents. Rrrrrrrrrrr.” Said Paris really ticked off. “Oh I know how you feel Paris. Wow so your dad owns the world’s biggest ranch in the world. I could see why you would chose not to tell your next one that you fall for. Because, if I knew that Rick was a part of the ranch then I would have fallen for him a little easier because I’m not gonna lie I was a little stubborn to Rick.” Laughed Lauren. “Ya I guess.” Laughed Paris back at Laurens joke.

                Paris stayed for the day with Rick and Lauren. They ball became really close and Lauren even got kissed by Rick. Then when Laurens parents came back they approved of Rick too. Then 3 weeks after that the couple went to a huge rodeo in Texas at the King Ranch. Then went they got back there was good news they were getting married. After a year of marriage they had 2 kids. They named their daughter Mikayla I memory of Laurens best friend forever. Their sons name was Lane. Both of their kids were born healthy. Now Mikayla is 3 and Lane is 2. This story is in great memory of Mikayla.


Paper Glider

  1. Q– What are the four forces of flight? How did they impact your paper glider Thrust, lift, drag, gravity? A- The paper clip made the plane have a lot of drag. And the lightness of the glider made it have a lot less gravity. The lift was also good due to how light the glider was.
  2. Q– Give a shot summary of what the glider adjustments did to impact the flight of the glider? A-Well the first thing that happened was that it kept on spinning around in circles and then would come back to me. Then when I turned the flaps the other way they did the same thing just it ended upside down. Then I did one flap down and one up the glider went straight for a long distant doing spirals. Then I switch around and it did the same thing.
  3. Q– Explain the theory of lift that we discussed in class last week. A– If the plane’s wings aren’t curved in angle of attack then it will basically have no lift. And when you think of high pressure it turns out it actually is slow moving air. Same with low pressure air. It has fast moving air.

The Princesss and The Frog

Hi my name is mama Odes. I’m in the story of princess and the frog. Most people from the Biu think I’m insane. I’m glad to know that Tiana and prince Naveen don’t think so. Well here’s I think the story of princess and the frog is.

One day I was cooing some famous gumbo of mine. It was my snake and I. then I heard that the prince of some wacked town was trance formed into a frog and his servant was changed into the prince. Apparently the prince’s name is prince Naveen. So I thought if they came to my house I could help. So I waited a couple days and heard news about this and that. Then the one day I heard news that the fake prince Naveen was marring big daddy’s daughter. Big daddy is the chief of the town just outside of the Biu. So I was really worried that they were not going to find me soon enough to stop the fake prince from marring the princess.

Finally they arrived. With an alligator and an old firefly? I had no clue they were bringing friends. Anyway that doesn’t matter as long as I can help them. What they told me was that the shadow man did it all. The transformation and everything. I was like “oh no he didn’t.” and they were like “oh yes he did.” So of course I was furious. I mean we used to be best friends. Then he turned evil as you can see. I asked what they wanted from me and they said this “we want you to change us back into humans and erase the memory we had of being frogs.” When they told me that I started to think. I didn’t think they had to forget they were frogs. I mean that would mean that Tiana wouldn’t remember prince Naveen. I think they would make a great couple if they tried.

“I won’t turn you into humans. I will put a spell on you that will last until midnight. If you kiss Prince Naveen Tiana then you will transform into humans again. Then you prince Naveen can marry big daddy’s daughter like you want and Tiana you can have your dream restraint.” Oh well they sure didn’t kike that idea. Prince said he would never want to be kissed by a waitress. I was like “if you truly want to be humans and that’s what you desire then that’s what you will do.” “But mamma odes I really rather not kiss prince Naveen. Why would a waitress like me want to kiss a prince a like prince Naveen?” “Listen you ask to be humans so I gave you what you wanted. Now I know that you didn’t want to kiss prince Naveen but that’s what you have to do.” “Well I will do anything it takes to be my human self again.”

So they left at that. I was so glad they left I thought they were never ganna leave. Then about five minutes after the gator came back and also wanted to be human so he could play in a band. I just said you have a wonder gift. You don’t need to be a human to be in a band. After that they were gone. I guess probably for a long time.

I heard news about this and that. They were on an adventurer to be humans again. By the time they got back I think prince Naveen had a crush on Tiana. They had gone on a date and prince Naveen had made a ring for her. Then that date was ruined when they found out that there friend the firefly was squished. They even had a funeral for the poor firefly. Then the time came when the clock was 30 seconds from 12:00. Tiana was standing there and so was prince Naveen. “I have a gift for you Tiana. I can’t imagine my life with big daddy’s daughter. I can only imagine it with you” He handed her the box with the ring in it. Tiana stared at it. “What about my restraint. If I marry you I will not get it.” “Yes you will. You and I will own the restraint.” “Wow prince Naveen I thought you only like the rich girls. But, to think you like me. It feels amazing.” “Tiana will you marry me?” “YES!!!!!!!” the clock went and they kissed right on time.

It didn’t work. What now will they be frogs forever? I can’t believe my own spell didn’t work on them. A few minutes later when they were sitting on the side walk Tiana saw that Prince Naveen had human ears. Then Prince Naveen seen that Tiana had human hair. “Wow we are ganna be humans after all!!!” finally my spell worked and they were changing to humans again. I was so happy when I found out. Tiana will have her dream restraint and Prince Naveen will help out at the restraint. I guessing that they will get married and have kids if he already gave her a ring. I mean I would do that.

A couple more years later I heard that they were getting married. I was invited. So I got all dolled up and went. It was a ball. Literally they had their wedding were they have balls. With the dances and everything. Of course the food was terrific because Tiana made it. Oh and did I mention the dessert. That was my second favourite part of the wedding. Because, the ceremony was my first favourite part.

I also went to their restraint a few months later and oh boy was that place a success. I mean the chandelier and the tables and most of all the FOOD. It was amazing. Of course I didn’t have the money to pay for it so I had to go back and do all the dishes from that night. But, thanks to a special someone (Tiana) I had lots of company.




The Girl in the Park

   The Girl in the Park

One evening two friends (a girl and a guy) were walking in the park. The town is called Romania. As they walked along the path they seen a girl sitting on one of the benches. She was just normally sitting, knees up to her chin. Smoking a cigarette. She looked normally like a human.

As they got closer to her, about 10 feet away. The male friend started talking about how he could pick the girl up on the bench. The female friend was starting to get mysterious about the girl on the bench. It was so late at night so what was she doing all alone. She decide that she would not worry about the girl on the bench.

   Just as they got to the bench the girl sitting on it disappeared. One second she was there, the next gone. The male friend said “look at me, am I stupid? Did you see what I saw?” she agreed that she had saw it too. They stood there just thinking about how the girl had to be a ghost and couldn’t be real.

   After they just had seen that, they felt a warm touch on each other’s shoulders. They thought it felt like someone had their arms around them. But, then they thought they were in shock from all that had just seen. The female friend kept her thoughts inside her. She was thinking that it was not shock that women was a ghost and actually did have her arms around them.

   Then the male friend saw something slithering in the grass. It looked like a small snake. Then he tried to catch it with his ball cap. But, then the female friend said she was too scared to wait for him to catch it. So they ran through the park and didn’t stop until they were in a cab and on their way to their houses.

     The female friend couldn’t sleep right for two months. When the two friends would het together that’s all they would talk about. How the terror would never leave there minds. A few months after they read an article about the park. It actually used to be a military cemetery 1770. They say all the solders there still remain around the park.

                                                                                  By: Lynnea